Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 37: Going Nowhere Fast

Crusin' with the Snoozin'
This morning is a one of great anticipation.  Nick and Marco (our 13 year old short hair dachshund) are driving up for a visit — a twelve hour trip. 
Nick's pic of the Adirondack Mts
He probably didn't notice the
ambulance we hired to follow him
(rear-view mirror) - just kidding
Yesterday, Nick stayed at Chris’ apartment to take two hours off his trip.  In between stalking Nick on Apple’s Find Friends App, we did some boat cleaning, laundry, and a trip to the store.  Nick got underway shortly after 9:00 am and arrived at 8:15 pm.  Marco slept in the front passenger seat nearly the whole trip allowing Nick to concentrate on the road.  It is a thrill to have them here safe. One of our fears was Marco would not acclimate to his new surroundings, but this was unfounded.  Marco is doing great — what a trooper.