Friday, July 4, 2014

Day 34 (4th of July): The boat is rubbing a hole in the water at Champlain Marina

Fire! The Peterson's launch a
water balloon down the dock
We did a big food shop after waking up.  Brian took some chicken breasts, pork chops, and steak down to the community barbecue grills when we got back and before others descended on the grills for their 4th of July meals.  After lunch we relaxed on the lanai.  Brian struck up a conversation with our boat neighbor Scott about the Burlington fireworks on the 3rd of July.  They had taken their boat around to the Burlington Bay and anchored out to watch the fireworks.  He said the wind was so calm the smoke obscured the display from their vantage point. Then he invited us to join them and some of their friends to watch Colchester’s fireworks from their boat in Mallet’s Bay.  Prior to leaving, we enjoyed the balloon fight amongst the regulars at the marina.  Brian made some suggestions that helped them scored a few more hits for Scott’s team.  This was going to be a fun
Sunset over Mallet's Bay

City of Colchester's Fireworks
seen from Mallett's Bay
event!  At the time to go for the boat ride, Linda brought over her balloons to contribute to the cause, and a bit of wine.  We anchored, and then the “Lone Star” rafted to us.  We all did the round robin between the boats visiting and getting to know each other.  Obviously, the Lone Star folks are from Texas — but would you believe they are from Houston!?  Well, imagine that conversation!  Once Colchester's fireworks started, we were treated with multiple displays of private fireworks up and down the shore line - some from as far a way as the City of Milton (~12 miles as the crow flies), which we could see over the tree lines.  Colchester did well, but slow.  The private fireworks along the shore line were really good.  So good that it was difficult to know where to focus.  What a great celebration to witness with our new friends from the marina.