Friday, July 11, 2014

Day 41: A day in Stowe

Ben &  Jerry's Factory
Stowe was having their annual balloon festival this weekend.  We drove up with Marco and visited the Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Factory.  Brian & Nick took the tour while Linda stayed with Marco.  She was content to have some gluten free raspberry sorbet as her reward.  Next we hoped to visit the Vermont Chocolate Factory.  But, the building was actually a store for the company.  The actual factory is in Burlington.  So, we pressed on up the road stopping at Apple Core Luncheonette and the Cold
Apple Core Luncheonnette
Hollow Cider Mill.  We were surprised to find they could make gluten-free sandwiches.  Our next stop was the Trapp Family Lodge that is still managed by the great-great grandchildren of Baron & Mrs von Trapp.  The lodge has restaurants, fitness facilities, pools, mountain biking trail, cross-country ski trails, sleigh rides, and it not far from the Stowe Mountain ski area. Speaking of ski areas, the Stowe Mountain Resort at Mount Mansfield was our next destination to check out.  Then it was down the mountain and into Stowe to the Stoweflake Mountain Resort for the balloon festival.  When we
The Trapp Family Resort
arrive at the parking area we saw signs saying no pets allowed.  Disappointed we headed back home via Route 108 and the harrowing S-turns, and beautiful scenery, through Smugglers Notch, where the road narrows to one lane -- period.
Stowe Mountain Ski Area
One of the many boulders
Rt 108 skirted around
in Smugglers Notch