Monday, June 2, 2014

Day 2: Dozier’s

Second Day on the Loop, same Marina, but with a change of views!  Chris, co-owner Custom Canvas (C2), came by around 7:00am this morning to take our Lanai canvas door to his workshop to make repairs to the torn canvas around the bottom dot-snaps.  He wasn’t due back until noon. 

Stingray Point Lighthouse
Stingray Point Lighthouse Replica

Linda and I took a walk over to Stingray Point Marina where there is a replica of the Stingray Point Lighthouse.  The old lighthouse is “an exact, full scale recreation of the Stingray Point screwpile lighthouse, built in 1858 and demolished in 1965.  It was located 1.8 miles [statute] due east of this spot and marked with the shoal extending from Stingray Point, dividing the Rappahannock and the Piankatank Rivers.  Stingray Point was named by Captain John Smith during his exploration of the Chesapeake Bay in 1608.  John Smith was actually stung by a stingray so severely he thought he was going to die and gave instructions to his crew regarding the disposition of his body.  Luckily the locals (Indians) were able to apply their medicine and avoid that scenario!  Afterwards we returned to plan our options if we left Dozier’s shortly after noon or if we would be better to stay another night.  As it turned out we decided to stay another night.  With the Monk-fest (about 20 Monk vessels coming in to Dozier’s) we needed to relocate to the outside wall for the night.  Jimmy apologized so many times, we started feeling bad about our extended stay.

Sunset at Dozier's Regatta Yachting Center, Deltaville, VA
Chris found us—no problem and was able to fix our strap issues in no time.  Our mended door panel looks wonderful and works like brand new.  We were so grateful to his rapid response to Loopers, and great rates!  We used the remainder of the day to get a few minor chores accomplished and rest.  Absolutely gorgeous sunset – reaffirms the joy of the journey.  Truly magnificent! Our night was capped off with a Facetime session with our son Nick, who is watching the house and caring for our dog.  We miss both a lot.

We have an early start and long day tomorrow.